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SCANDAL Love Survive #11 On Oricon Weekly Charts

Written by: zenical on 7 August 2011 at 2:09 pm No Comment

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SCANDAL latest single titled Love Survive is ranked #11 on the Oricon Weekly Charts. Came as a surprise to me as I expected the single to be in the top ten.

It has sold a total of 13,507 copies for the first week since it was released for sale. Their previous single, Haruka did way better, scoring a 3rd place on the weekly charts with 21,974 copies sold. Well that was probably due to the fact that Haruka had many editions to purchase. Crazy fans like me would definitely purchase all 3 of them.

Love Survive is available in stores now.

Single Title: Love Survive
Catalog Number: ESCL-3740
Release Date: 27 July 2011
Retail Price
: 1,223 yen
Purchase at: CDJapan (First press available)

My copy should be arriving next week ^^.

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