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SCANDAL – Baby Action [10.08.11]

Written by: zenical on 8 August 2011 at 11:12 pm No Comment

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Baby Action, the third album release from SCANDAL will be out this Wednesday, 10 August 2011. As usual their album release will have 3 editions: Regular, Limited and Deluxe Magazine Edition.

Track-listing of Baby Action

  2. その時、世界はキミだらけのレイン
  5. BURN
  6. アップルたちの伝言
  7. 東京スカイスクレイパー
  8. Pride
  9. ハルカ
  10. スキャンダルなんかブッ飛ばせ
  11. Very Special
  12. one piece

Album Title: Baby Action [Regular Edition]
Catalog Number: ESCL-3746
Release Date: 10 August 2011
Retail Price
: 3,059 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan

Album Title: Baby Action [w/DVD, Limited Edition]
Catalog Number: ESCL-3744
Release Date: 10 August 2011
Retail Price
: 3,500 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan

Album Title: Baby Action [Deluxe Magazine Edition]
Catalog Number: ESCL-3743
Release Date: 10 August 2011
Retail Price
: 4,200 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan

Well then, enjoy some of my fave songs, BURN and one piece! :D

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