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Written by: zenical on 21 February 2012 at 1:35 am No Comment

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SCANDAL upcoming single release on 22 February 2012 is titled HARUKAZE. Single title is for the opening of anime series Bleach. Three editions to choose: Limited Edition[Type A and Type B] and Regular Edition. Whats the difference between the two types? Looks like the B-side track will be different. As for Regular Edition, it only comes with tracks of HARUKAZE.

Track-listing of HARUKAZE Type A

  3. HARUKAZE [Instrumental Ver.]

Track-listing of HARUKAZE Type B

  2. *~アスタリスク~
  3. HARUKAZE [Instrumental Ver.]

Album Title: HARUKAZE [Limited Edition Type A]
Catalog Number: ESCL-3852
Release Date: 22 February 2012
Retail Price
: 1,020 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan

Album Title: HARUKAZE [Limited Edition Type B]
Catalog Number: ESCL-3853
Release Date: 22 February 2012
Retail Price
: 1,020 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan

Album Title: HARUKAZE [Regular Edition]
Catalog Number: ESCL-3854
Release Date: 22 February 2012
Retail Price
: 525 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan

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